EMBSYS is an embedded based design, development and supply company started in 2015 by a team of electronic engineers with vast experience in design and development of embedded based industrial systems for monitoring and control.

The main objective of the company is to design, develop and supply various sub-systems

Focusing on industrial automation, mainly for manufacturing and process industries.

Railyway safety systems.

For improving the productivity and product quality and reduce the quality rejections of finished product, it is necessary to maintain process parameters like temperature, pressure, cycle times etc. For this purpose manual or human dependencies are to be minimized. This calls for up gradation of existing facilities in full or partial automation. Apart from this the latest automated equipment facilitates to monitor the operations remotely, as the operating data is made available on web pages.

about embsys

It becomes a costly affair to replace the existing machines or equipment with latest ones. We at EMBSYS study the existing equipment, In manufacturing and process industries and develop customized solutions through intelligent control or monitoring systems and supply to up grade the facilities. Thus the manufacturing organization can be benefit ted to grade the existing facility with out scrapping the equipment

As the data is available on web pages, MIS reports can be generated with respect to products, customers, machine utility. In addition lot of auditing reports can be generated with respect to utility of power, quality rejections, delays in manufacturing etc. Further it helps to scheduling and planning with respect to inventory, production and deliveries. Back tracing of each activity is also possible.